Our Nation Faces Important Choices

There is no denying or avoiding the fact that our nation is often faced with important choices to make, and we hope you will find this page both encouraging and resourceful as you prepare to cast your vote, or reflect on the way that you have already voted.

John Maxwell states that "your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul." So what does it look like to stay true to your core values when it comes time to vote? What are the core values of the church family that you belong to? How would you describe the core values of Jesus? As followers of Jesus, it's easy to become discouraged and wonder what "success" looks like with just a single voice in a nation of millions, but when your beliefs and values align with your attitudes and behaviors, that is success. Even the smallest stone can make the largest ripples. When what you are passionate about on an election day, remains the same thing that you are passionate about days, weeks, and months later, that is success. That is living your values.

As you pray, as you vote, as you communicate;  may you remember that your beliefs shape your values, which determine your attitude, and that attitude manifests in your behaviors. Start with belief, beloved, and your belief in the One who declares "it is finished" and that in Him we can "find rest for our souls."

“As people of faith, our challenge is to rise above political ideology and lead on moral grounds.  Don’t go right, don’t go left; go deeper”            
- Jim Wallis. "On God’s Side"


– Read a guideline summary for FM POLITICAL ADVOCACY

Kingdom Voting is the opportunity and responsibility of committed Christians to partner with God by expanding His rule in society through civil government.
– Tony Evans


During our 2020 UNITED CHALLENGE, we asked that you would daily pray for your heart, your homes, your harvest (Church and her witness), and your horizons (our Government, Nation, and Globe). You can always pick a time that works best for you, but I always say, if you boldly start your day with prayer, you’ll see your prayers answered while you are awake!