You might be noticing some of those negative effects of several months of isolation and quarantine. If so, you are not alone! Which is why, with the help of some very talented personal trainers and fitness experts, we have put together some exercise videos, which you can follow along with as a way to care for yourself and be healthy.

While you are welcome to simply incorporate the videos into your own fitness routine, we hope that you might consider starting a “Fitness Life Group.” While exercise has been proven to prevent illness, heal depression and be therapeutic for many conditions such as arthritis and asthma, the added level of community and care which you will find through a group only magnifies this.

Contact for more details on becoming a Life Group Leader!


It is undeniable that people are seeking something more than just fitter bodies, and it’s not just any “spiritual” element that will bring hope and freedom to their lives.

Whether they realize it or not, people are searching for the person of Jesus Christ and we hope and pray that connecting through exercise will provide an opportunity for people to connect to a new level of health, both physically and spiritually.

While we hope that you will make use of the videos provided, we also encourage you to invite someone to join you in connecting to CCF through exercise and possibly even a “Fitness Life Group.” What does a group like that look like? We are glad you asked, and would love to talk more with you about it – contact for details.


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