Communion Weekend
February 2 10:00 am | Cucamonga Christian Fellowship
Cucamonga Christian Fellowship, 5th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA
Living in the grace of God is a daily choice. As we worship God, through reading His Word, prayer, and participating in sacraments like communion (also known as the Lord’s supper) we are living out the grace of God.
And this life is not meant to be lived alone but in the company of others, particularly those who share in the love and of Jesus. During communion, we confess that we are sinners, and we proclaim that it is Jesus love and sacrifice that restores us to right relationship with God and one another.
Note for parents: On the first weekend of each month, we share communion as a church family during the worship portion of our services. On these weekends, students (grades 1 – 12) are welcome to remain in the service with their parents for worship and communion, before going into their age-appropriate programs.