Congratulations on your desire to dedicate your child to the Lord! We are so honored to be part of this wonderful step in the life of your family, and to partnering with you in this important matter.
Child dedication is an incredible opportunity for parents to publicly declare their gratitude and obedience to God, and also to demonstrate their desire to raise their child to be a follower of Christ. We believe it is one of many great steps in your child’s faith journey and as a church, we are excited about celebrating this with you, and partnering with you as your child grows in their faith.
If you have any questions concerning the significance of this event, how it will be conducted, or would like to discuss dedicating your child, please complete use the application link below or contact the CCF Church Office at (909) 945.5333 or
Again, we are excited about this great step in the life of your family. We look forward to this time together and believe for great things in your child’s faith journey.
At CCF, we dedicate children from birth to age 4 during specific weekend services. Please complete the online application form at least 2 weeks prior to your preferred option. Depending on the date, you may be the only family or one of several who are dedicating their child. Either way, our goal is to make it as special as possible for all who are involved.
What is Child Dedication?
Child Dedication is a parental recognition of a solemn responsibility to raise your child in the nuture and instruction of the Lord. The Dedication service provides you, as a parent, an opportunity to make this commitment publicly before your friends and family.
Who may participate?
Ministry Partnership at Cucamonga Christian Fellowship is not a requirement of parents to participate, but we do believe that long term success in the spiritual journey of your family is greatly enhanced when committed to a local fellowship. We only ask that you can truthfully say, “I will commit myself to raising this child to know the Lord” and be regular attendees with a desire to raise your child in a Godly, Christ centered home.
I’m a single parent. May I still dedicate my child?
Who should we invite to the Dedication Service?
A Dedication service is a very special time, so be sure to invite your family and friends. There is no limit to number of guests, and we are happy to reserve seats for you and your expected guests.
What about “God-Parents?”
At CCF, we don’t specifically use the term “God Parents” however we certainly support the concept, and any choice of significant individuals to offer support, encouragement and to hold you accountable to the commitment you will be making. Furthermore, we will happily include any individuals that you’d like in the service, and ask only that you let us know ahead of time.
I’m a new believer, and am a little nervous about all of this?
If you are a new Christian, we are delighted to be a part of this important step in your newly found walk with Jesus. Our intent is to come alongside of you and help ensure that the Child Dedication is a non-threatening process that will be a personal time of deep significance for you and your family.