What is Love Driven Justice?
It’s a lifestyle demonstrating God’s heart of love for justice by valuing the image of God in all men, women, and children, acting with compassion toward the oppressed, resisting oppression, and stewarding Creation.
It’s aligning ourselves to our Free Methodist founders’ deep convictions around matters of injustice as they took their stand against the evils of slavery, the oppression of the poor, the marginalization of women, and the abuse of power in the church. And it continues today fueled by God’s holy love for the unborn, the vulnerable, oppressed, marginalized, and people of all races and ethnicities.
In this season, our denomination needed a strategic leader in this area and not just any leader, we needed a leader with the passion, wisdom, integrity, and courage that will lead the charge to remind us of what is good and what the Lord requires of us: But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.
Many of you have asked how you can give and support Pastor Fraser Venter in his new role, and we thank you in advance for your partnership as we bring Christ’s heart of justice to the world.
Most of us know that Pastor Fraser’s consistent message has been Love God, Love People, make disciples and “Let’s make Jesus famous.” But his heart beats with passion for those who are being treated unjustly. The fire in his bones burns for the vulnerable, the unborn, oppressed, marginalized, and people of all races and ethnicities. He can’t NOT move on behalf or advocate for God’s righteousness and justice for all. That is why his new role as the FM Strategic Catalyst for Love-Driven Justice aligns so beautifully with the call on His life. It is a call that has pursued him with extremely clear affirmation and confirmation. Join us in supporting him through:
- Prayer Support. This is the most important method of support as he embarks on this new journey that is bound to “stir the hornets’ nest” because it’s about freedom and the enemy doesn’t want people free. But the Word of God says, the prayers of a righteous one avails much.
- Financial Support. The Love Driven Justice Gift Fund is an opportunity for you to financially partner in helping to serve and support biblical justice initiatives, organizations and individuals. It is NOT Pastor Fraser’s salary, but it will help promote justice but also to remove obstacles for women, people of color, marginalized with support for education, internships, gender and ethnic leadership. It’s providing a way financially to provide opportunities where the options are rare. Every donation makes a difference. Every donation moves the heart of God.

Love Driven Justice
We devote ourselves to our founders’ deep convictions around matters of injustice as they took their stand against the evils of slavery, the oppression of the poor, the marginalization of women, and the abuse of power in the church. Our heart for justice continues and expands today, fueled by God’s holy love for the unborn, the vulnerable, oppressed, marginalized, and people of all races and ethnicities.
The Free Methodist Way is not only to realize a better society, but that all may be reconciled to God and one another in ways that reflect God’s just character.